Our Story


Our Story

The story of Broken Lobster and Neoflux Drift began when 3 students at Games Academy, Berlin were participating at an internal student game jam
self-hosted by our founder Sebastian. The theme was ‘Fire’ which we intrepreted as an captains shoutout. As pirate fans, we built a local-multiplayer ship-battler called ‘Pirate Arena’.

The game was fun, so Sebastian and Caleb decided to take this as a foundation for a semester project. Already equipped with the prototype, Sebastian pitched the game to our programmer Benji and Producer Sebastian which both decided to join the ride. A few weeks later and lacking artists completely, we actually ran into our Artists Flo, Felix and Max. Also captivated by the project and mixed with a bit of luck we had a complete team to fill every key position needed in today’s game development.

Together with a extremely motivated team we started rethinking Pirate Arena from scratch and how we could turn it into a modern 3D game with a high quality of juicyness & polishing. Since we are connected to a big amount of co-students, we playtested a lot and iterated on the first arena for about 10 weeks.

The result was a amazing vertical slice, which received good feedback from other students, industry veterans and our goldmaster jury. We were highly motivated to keep working on our product, shifting the quality from a student project to industry standards and learn how to run a business in games.

Therefore we showcased our game at Animemesse 2019 and the feedback was incredible!

It was a blast! We held a tournament, people kept training the entire day and most of the time our stations were full. We made contact to a bunch of professionals and players themselves, who also reactived overwhelmingly positive.

Our Team

CEO & Vision Lead

Sebastian Gsänger

Gameplay Engineer

Benjamin Rosenberger

Game Design & Sound Designer

Caleb Robin Garnatz

3D Vehicle Artists

Felix von Oppeln-Bronikowski

Creative Producer

Murillo Carvalho Dos Santos

Development Director 

Sebastian Bogler

Game Designer

Jannik Ed Neumann

2D Artist

Lewin Reimann

AI Engineer

Maxi Karnstedt

Technical Artist

Hadi Beheshti

Technical Artist

Martha Zemmrich

Lead Artist

Florian Seibert